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Sydney's Blog - June at The Drifting Bear Co.

Sydney here…woof!

June has been another busy month at The Drifting Bear and the team have loved seeing all your Fathers Day orders come in. A particularly popular product was our Framed Metal Polaroid Photo which seemed to be the Father's Day gift of choice for new dads!  Apparently human babies are very cute and there was much 'oohing' and 'aahing' here at The Drifting Bear HQ as your orders came in, featuring proud first time dads and their newborns.  Personally, I can't see how anything could be cuter than me and I am still wondering why a 'Sydney's Day' has not been introduced yet.



Staying on the theme of babies, The Drifting Bear team have come up with another new product to celebrate the new arrivals in your life! The Baby Birth Countdown Slate Frame is the perfect gift for expectant mothers or, alternatively buy for yourself and count down the days until your baby arrives! Engraved with the words " ... days until our little miracle arrives" this natural slate frame can be personalised with the number of days left until baby's due date by writing on it with chalk which can be easily changed each day as the big day gets closer! You can put any photo you like in the frame but The Drifting Bear Co. team felt that an ultrasound photo worked perfectly.


Regular visitors to the site will have noticed that the team have taken on board feedback from customers and made ordering with express delivery much easier.  Simply head over to the Express Delivery option featured along the top of the website and you'll be taken directly to all the products you can buy with our super speedy two day delivery.

I'm off now for a bit of a haircut, with a heatwave predicted, my lovely long fur can get a little toasty so I'm looking forward to a new look and being able to get down to the important business of relaxing in the lovely Devon sunshine.

Sydney x